
June 13, 2024

Where the Faculties Are Unhinged

Filed under: Uncategorized — unrealnature @ 6:08 am

… the being of the sensible itself … is revealed only when common sense is confounded …

This is from Sonic Flux: Sound, Art, and Metaphysics by Christopher Cox (2018):

… For Nietzsche, the distinction between the metaphorical and the literal is simply that the latter no longer acknowledges the difference that constitutes it, taking itself to be what it represents.

… the being of the sensible itself … is revealed only when common sense is confounded and sensation comes up against its limits, when the unity of the subject and the unity of the object are no longer given. Such experiences provoke a “transcendental exercise of the faculties,” revealing the limits of each sense and the differences and disparities that provide the very conditions of possibility for ordinary empirical experience.

[line break added] A rigorous materialism, then, would operate not on the empirical level of common sense, but on this transcendental level, where the faculties are unhinged and one witnesses the differential processes that constitute the world of our everyday experience. Eisenstein and Nietzsche knew that art is the privileged domain in which this sensory experimentation takes place and thus that its metaphysical value is enormous.

My most recent previous post from Cox’s book is here.


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